Wednesday, July 23, 2008

beans black

I combined a can of black beans (drained and rinsed) with a can of collard greens (drained) and added Montreal Steak seasoning, powedered garlic. Cooked it in the microwave fast and had a fine supper. I added Cholula garlic and chili flavored hot sauce and it was really delightful.

I ate some of the salad I made yesterday, using fresh lime and Moderna balsalmic. I like this mix a lot. Now if I could only get the juices to stay in the salad. It did help to drizzle it over the salad and then not mix so much, but there was still a good bit in the bottom of the empty bowl.

As for canned beans and greens. I don't care what the purists say. I was so hungry after our shoppng and missed lunch at the Mexican place that closed that I wanted a fast, easy meal. Canned beans are all cooked. No soaking, planning, waiting. Canned collards require no large pan for cleanup. They are already cooked down so you get a full can in a can rather than getting a can from a shopping bag full.

When I prepare again for pandemic in the spring, I'll certainly stock up on canned beans and canned greens.

When no pandemic comes, they will be easy to eat up.

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