Wednesday, July 23, 2008

beans - red lentil curry

I heard part of a recipe on the radio this week that brought red lentils and other veggies into a curry form. The advantage of the lentils was that they don't require presoaking. So I bought some. I can't remember all the details. Actually, it called for prefrying the added ingredients in butter, but I won't do that. What I did like was that it talked about shredded spinach and said it should be added long after carrots and such had cooked, right at the end of the recipe.
Here is one note from a recipe with too much sugar for me:

Wash the lentils in cold water until the water runs clear (this is very important or the lentils will get "scummy"), put the lentils in a pot with water to cover and simmer covered until lentils tender (add more water if necessary).
I want to start using more curry. Elizabeth loves it. Also, lacking great variety in foods, variety in spices is a great alternative.

For example, I used the spicy Montreal steak seasoning for a bowl of bean and eggplant soup and found it tasty.

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