Monday, September 2, 2019


Internes has the Ultimate Insanity at no salt.  However, I thought that was the one I used at home.  The Insanity is at 2%

One ripe plum tomato
One half sweet red pepper
Two japapeno peppers
Benson's salt
black pepper
two large scoops of chopped garlic from jar
SECOND BATCH   9-12-2019

I could not get good jalapeno peppers, so I tried hot peppers called "frying peppers"  They did not seem as good for eating by hand, and so a portion of what I bought went by.  I tossed the bad parts and chopped up the rest.  They seem to have worked okay.
One ripe plum tomato
One half sweet red pepper
Two japapeno peppers
Benson's salt
black pepper
two large scoops of chopped garlic from jar


Chop everything
Cover with a nice red wine vinegar
Blend in the bullet blender
This will make a mild hot sauce.

For hot hot sauce add in just a few drops of Dave's Ultimate Insanity.
Blend everything.

Tasted great and sure saves money.
Frank suggests I cook the sauce with some corn starch to reduce and thicken.  I'll try that next time.

SECOND BATCH   9-12-2019

I could not get good jalapeno peppers, so I tried hot peppers called "frying peppers"  They did not seem as good for eating by hand, and so a portion of what I bought went by.  I tossed the bad parts and chopped up the rest.  They seem to have worked okay.
One ripe plum tomato
One half sweet red pepper
Trader Joes mixed spices 
black pepper
two large scoops of chopped garlic from jar
quarter teaspoon of Dave's Ultimate 
Apple Cider vinegar to cover.
Benson's salt substitute added later.  Just seems to need a saltier taste.

This batch was twice the size of the trial batch.  It would have been hotter than a mild sauce even without the Dave's.
I also cooked it with some corn starch, hoping to reduce liquid and thicken it (son Frank's suggestion)
That seems to have worked just fine.

Pretty cheap hot sauce, especially considering that some of these peppers would not have been much good in a day or two.  So, somehow I had to use them up.

November 2019

No sweet peppers here this time.  Did about four jalapeno from the freezer.  Added a small tomato.
black pepper
Benson's salt liberally

Thickened all with corn starch.   Used red wine vinegar with a bit of balsamic vinegar.

December 3, 2019
red wine vinegar
garlic from jar
black pepper
benson's salt
homemade tomato sauce
rather large portion of Ultimate Dave's

Used about 8 jalapeno peppers

This turned out hotter than the others.  I think I'll like it.  I forgot about corn starch.

January 24, 2020

Used good tasting jalapeno from the Inverness Farmer's Market and a junk tomato that was fine but just barely ripe.
Added a bit of chopped celery, Trader's Joe's Salute 21, Benson's salt, black pepper  No onion or garlic this batch.  I think I miss them a bit.
For liquid used balsamic vinegar and some left over non alcoholic wine.
Put in some drops of Dave's Insanity, which in spite of the research showing no salt had two percent salt.  I just can't seem to escape it in these high end sauces.
It added quite a kick.  I actually added the wine and more tomato after the first taste.
This bullet blender does not do the job of the one up home, but it came out ok.  Just a bit less fully blended.


I used a bunch of jalapeno peppers as they were going to go bad before I got to them.  Peter and Casey gave me a bag of their peppers for everyday eating.

In the bullet blender I put the peppers
some red pepper
some turmeric
some ground black pepper
some jarred hot pepper
Vinegar, a mix of red, a bit of balsamic, and the rest apple cider
smoked paprika
no coriander this time
no onion
granulated garlic

I forgot corn starch or Benson's salt, but because I used to many peppers the sauce was plenty thick enough.

I put up two jars for the freezer and one for the refrigerator.
I did not think it needed any Dave's insanity, but if it seems less hot than I like, I may add a drop to the bottles

white wine vinegar and apple cider vinegar
ten small red peppers Casey grew
four grape tomato
black pepper
B's bravado 
21 salute trader joe's
minced onion
granulated garlic
small bit of red sweet peppper

Put it on blend and that worked to make it more creamy 
Decided against the corn starch as it does not look watery.  
Forgot corriander

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